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Little Tikes Dollhouses and Accessories sets listing
by model number and alphabetical

Listing by Model Number
Brown Box:
5562 Refrigerator, High Chair, and Baby (1991)
5563 Vanity, Friend and Cat (1991)
5570 Grandma's House (sold under 2 model nos 5532/5570 brown box)
5575 Family Van
5576 Desk & Chair & Friend (1990)
5578 Refrigerator, Table and Chairs???
5582 Family (black 1990)
5583 Family
5585 Cozy Coupe Car (1990)
5590 Little Tikes Place Basic Set (1989)
5591 Party Kitchen and Chairs (1989)
5592 Little Tikes Place: Baby with Cradle and Buggy (1989)
5593 Easel and Storage Chest (1989)
5593?? Little Tikes Place: Double Easel & Storage Chest
5596 Pool and Turtle Sandbox (1989)
5597 Little Tikes Place: Play House (1989)
5598 Garden Tractor and Cart

This is a listing of all the set information I have found. This listing is probably incomplete and may contain errors. Please e-mail me at if you find any errors, omission, or if you would like to contribute any information or pictures. Thanks!
Little Tikes Place and Little Tikes Place Miniatures:
5531 Dollhouse (sold under 2 model nos 5531/5604)
5532 Grandma's House (sold under 2 model nos 5532/5570 brown box)
5533 Stable
5541 Country Kitchen (1994)
5542 Living Room Set(1994)
5543 Horse Trailer Set
5547 Horse & Rider Set (5547 black rider/5556 white rider)
5548 Stable
5550 Dollhouse (5550 white family/5564 black family)
5553 Workshop & 2 Chairs (1993)
5554 Big Dollhouse, Doll & Bear (1993)
5555 Wheelchair, Ramp & Friend (1994)
5556 Horse & Rider Set (5547 black rider/5556 white rider)
5560 Stable
5563 Vanity & Cat (1993)
5564 Dollhouse (5550 white family/5564 black family)
5570 Grandma's House (sold under 2 model nos 5532/5570)
5574 Rocker, Toy Box & Bear (1992)
5575 Family Van
5582 Family (black)
5583 Family (1993)
5585 Cozy Coupe Car??
5591 Party Kitchen & Chairs (1992?)
5592 Cradle Buggy and Carrier
5594 Picnic Table & Slide (1992)
5595 Activity Gym & Swing (1992)
5597 Play House (1992)
5604 Dollhouse (sold under 2 model nos 5531/5604)

Little Tikes Miniatures:
5558 Cradle, Doll & Buggy (1995)
5600 Activity Gym
???? Country Kitchen
5601 Family Van
(may not be little tikes miniatures/packaged in dark blue box)
???? Picnic Table & Slide
???? Wheelchair & Ramp

Grand Mansion Collectibles:
5500 Children's Bedroom Set
5501 Living Room Set
5523 Family
5524 Grand Mansion
5525 Bedroom Set (box dated 1995)
5526 Dining Room Set
5527 Family (black)
5528 Kitchen Set
5529 Bathroom Set (box dated 1995)

Big Dollhouse (My Size Barbie):

5510 Big Dollhouse
5511 Kitchenette
5512 Canopy Bed
5513 Sink & Refrigerator
5514 Patio Set
5515 Family Room Set

Price Range for Big Dollhouse sets were from originally $20-$25. Big Dollhouse model number information from Little Tikes customer representative (6/14/01).

In search of Little Tikes Dollhouse pieces? Try eBay!
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Alphabetical Listing with piece descriptions and pictures (click on number for pictures)

Brown Box:
  5590 Little Tikes Place Basic Set (box dated 1984??)
       15 piece set:
       Dollhouse, blue roof, blue bathroom, with pull out patio
         18" (24" with patio out) x 24" x 22" high
         lithos:  3rd floor rug
                  kitchen floor
                  2 welcome mats
       Dog, white
       Table, green legs
       4 Chairs, yellow
       Cozy Coupe, red, yellow roof, black bars
       Vacuum (not sold separately) 
       Garbage Can, brown? (not sold separately)
       Mat, green grass 26" x 29"(not sold separately)
       Mattresses, yellow (not sold separately)

  5582 Family (black 1990)
       5 piece set:
       Mom, white blouse, green skirt
       Dad, blue shirt, red pants
       Sister, white blouse, pink skirt
       Brother, yellow shirt
       Baby, white outfit
  5583 Family
       4 piece set:

  5592 Little Tikes Place:  Baby with Cradle and Buggy
       3 piece set:
       Baby, teal outfit
       Cradle, Pink
       Buggy, Pink
  5585 Cozy Coupe Car (1990)

       Price range: $7-9
  5576 Desk & Chair & Friend (1990)
       3 piece set:
       Student Desk, blue legs, white top, yellow trim
       Chair, yellow
  5593 Easel and Storage Chest (1989)
       2 piece set:
       Easel, blue
       Storage Chest (actually comes apart in more pieces)
         white sides, green back and front, blue lid
  5575 Family Van (also came with black family model no5549 /box type unknown)
       5 piece set:
       Van, red with brown wood trim
          (per Little Tikes customer representative also came in blue (6/14/01))
       Baby, blue
       Car seat, yellow back, white front
       Price range:  $15-$18
  5598 Garden Tractor and Cart
       2 piece set:
       Tractor, green
       Cart, green
  5591 Party Kitchen and Chairs (1989 & 1992?)
       3 piece set:
       Party Kitchen, green roof, brown kick plate, white with yellow sink and phone
       2 Chairs, yellow
  5597 Little Tikes Place:  Play House
       1 piece set:
       Playhouse, green roof and floor, red door and fireplace
  5596 Pool and Turtle Sandbox
       3 piece set:
       Pool, blue
       Turtle sandbox, green with lid (2 pieces)
  5562 Refrigerator, High Chair, and Baby (1991)
       3 piece set:
       Refrigerator, yellow dispenser, brown kickplate
       High Chair, pink with white tray
       Baby, blue outfit
  5578 Refrigerator, Table and Chairs???
       4 piece set:
       Refrigerator, yellow dispenser, brown kickplate
       Table, white with green legs
       2 Chair, yellow
  5563 Vanity, Friend and Cat (1991)
       4 piece set:
       Vanity, pink
       Chair, pink
       Cat, gray
       Friend, green dress

Little Tikes Place (Light blue box)
  5531 Dollhouse (sold under 2 model nos. color change in 1992?)
  5604 Dollhouse, purple roof
       Pool, blue
       Party Kitchen, blue roof
       Table, white with yellow legs
       4 Chairs,  yellow
       Desk, blue and white with yellow trim (student desk)
  5550 Little Tikes Place
  5564 Dollhouse (5550 white family/5564 black family)
       Dollhouse, with blue roof and green bathroom         
       Dog, white
       Table, with blue legs
       4 Chairs, blue
       High Chair
       Cozy Coupe
       Mattresses, pink
  5532 Grandma's House (sold under 2 model nos. color change in 1992?)
  5570 Dollhouse, pink roof
       Dog, brown
       Party Kitchen, blue roof     
       2 Chairs, yellow
  5533 Stable 
       14 piece set:
       Stable, blue roof
       2 riders, black hats (black and white)
       Horse, brown
       Horse, white
       Cat, orange
       3 bales of hay
       4 fence pieces, white
  5548 Stable
       16 piece set:
       Stable, blue roof
       Rider, with black hat(black)
       Rider, without hat
       Horse, brown
       Horse, white
       Cat, orange
       3 bales of hay
       5 fence pieces, white
       Tractor, green
  5560 Stable
       15 piece set:
       Rider, black hat, red riding jacket
       Rider, without hat, white shirt
       Horse, brown
       Horse, white
       Cat, orange
       3 bales of hay
       5 fence pieces, white
       Tractor, green
       17½" high, and the base is 20" by 14½"

  5547 Horse & Rider Set (5547 black rider/5556 white rider)
  5556 7 piece set:
       rider, black hat, red riding jacket
       horse, brown
       colt, white with gray mane 
       4 fence pieces, white
  5543 Horse Trailer Set
       3 piece set:
       Jeep, teal
       Trailer, teal
       Horse, brown
  5575 Family Van (also came with black family model no/box type unknown)
       5 piece set:
       Van, Red (per Little Tikes customer representative also came in blue (6/14/01))
       Car Set
       Baby, blue
  5582 Family (black)
       5 piece set:
  5583 Family (1993)
       5 piece set:
       Mom, yellow dress
       Dad, blue shirt, light blue pants
       Sister, pink dress
       Brother, white shirt, blue pants 
       Baby, teal

Little Tikes Place Miniatures (Light blue box)
  5595 Activity Gym & Swing (1992)
       7 piece set:
       6 piece activity gym, blue, orange, green, yellow
       Baby swing, yellow with blue safty bar, yellow ropes.
  5554 Big Dollhouse, Doll & Bear (1993)
       3 piece set:
       Dollhouse (big dollhouse-my size barbie replica)
       Bear, brown

       Price range: $7-9
  5541 Country Kitchen (1994)
       1 piece set:
       Kitchen unit, white with teal? counter tops, yellow cabinets
  5585 Cozy Coupe Car??
       1 piece set:
       Cozy Coupe, Red, yellow roof, yellow bars
  5592?? Cradle, Buggy and Carrier
       3 piece set:
       Cradle, pink
       Buggy, pink
       Carrier, yellow back, white front
  5542 Living Room Set(1994)
       4 piece set:
       Couch, blue top, white bottom
       Chair, blue top, white bottom
       Coffee Table, pink top with magazine,white legs
       Television, pink with white stand
  5591 Party Kitchen & Chairs
       3 piece set:
       Party Kitchen with blue roof, white with yellow sink and phone
       2 Chairs, yellow
  5594 Picnic Table & Slide (1992)
       2 piece set:
       Picnic Table, yellow with orange legs
       Slide, blue, orange ladder, yellow crossbars
  5597 Play House??? (1992)
       1 piece set:
       cozy cottage/playhouse, white, green roof and floor, red door, yellow shutters
  5574 Rocker, Toy Box & Bear (1992)
       3 piece set:
       Rocker, blue and white
       Toy box/bench, blue and white
       Bear, brown
  5563 Vanity & Cat (1993)
       3 piece set:
       Vanity, pink with white mirror
       Chair, pink
       Cat, gray
  5555 Wheelchair, Ramp & Friend (1994)
       3 piece set:
       Friend, boy with white shirt
       Wheelchair, gray with teal trim
       Ramp, pink rails
  5553 Workshop & 2 Chairs (1993)
       3 piece set:
       Workbench, white with blue roof
       Chairs, red

       Price range: $7-9

Little Tikes Miniatures (1995) (Dark blue box)
  5558 Cradle, Doll & Buggy (1995)
       3 piece set:
       Buggy, pink
       Cradle, pink
  ???? Country Kitchen
       1 piece set:
       Kitchen unit, white with teal? counter tops, yellow cabinets
  5601 Family Van, Green  (may not be little tikes miniatures)
       5 piece set:
       Car Seat       
       Baby, blue
  ???? Picnic Table & Slide
       2 piece set:
       Picnic Table
  ???? Wheelchair & Ramp
       2 piece set:
Grand Mansion Collectibles (Dark blue box)
  5524 Grand Mansion
       Pink Roof with spectacular 4 collumns entrance and 2nd story balcony 
       (no other pieces)
  5523 Family
        4 piece set:

  5527 Family (black)
        4 piece set:

  5500 Children's Bedroom Set
       5 piece set:
       2 Beds, pink (can be stacked as bunkbeds)
       2 matresses, material-not plastic
       Dresser, dark blue, teal mirror frame
  5501 Living Room Set
       4 piece set:
       Fireplace, brown
       Grandfather Clock, brown
       Coffee Table, brown
  5525 Bedroom Set (box dated 1995)
       4 piece set: 
       4 Poster Bed, blue  
       Pillow, pink
       Comforter, pink
       Rocking Crib, teal and white
  5526 Dining Room Set
       5 piece set:
       4 Chairs, brown with red seats 
  5528 Kitchen Set
       3 piece set:
       Refrigerator w/blue Ice Maker
       Combination sink/stove/oven 
       High Chair, pink with white tray
  5529 Bathroom Set (box dated 1995)
       3 piece set:
       Bathtub, white with yellow claw feet
       Vanity, white with a purple sink, blue mirror
       Toilet, white with blue lid 

Big Dollhouse - My Size Barbie (Pink box)
  5510 Dollhouse 
       Pink House, blue roof, green door, white trim.  2 stories.
       37" x 38.50" and 24.25" deep
  5510 Dollhouse 
       White House, blue roof, green door, white trim.  2 stories.
       37" x 38.50" and 24.25" deep

  5512 Canopy Bed
       5 piece set:
       canopy bed, white posts, purple canopy 
       dust ruffle
       reversable comforter
       rectangular pillow
       heart shaped pillow
  5515 Family Room Set
       9 piece set:
       Sofa, blue  
       Chair, blue
       2 Pillows
       2 Cushions
       Coffee Table, purple top, blue legs
       Television, pink face, lavender back
       Television Table, white with blue cabinet doors, green nobs
  5511 Kitchenette
       3 piece set:
       Kitchenette, stove w/oven & counter, pink & blue, lavender oven door
         w/blue shelf
       2 chairs, blue seat, lavender legs and back
  5514 Patio Set
       4 piece set:
       BBQ grill, green doors to cabinet, blue cover
       2 patio chairs, white
       patio table, white with green umbrella
  5513 Sink & Refrigerator
       6 piece set:
       Refrigerator (4 pieces base, 2 blue shelves, 1 blue (or purple) drawer), blue handles 
       Sink (2 pieces base and blue shelf), white with blue sink and pink faucet, 
         purple cabinet doors, blue nobs

  Other Resources around the Net:

  Dollhouse Catalog for Little Tikes Place Miniatures and Grand Mansion Collectibles  

  Out of The Box:  Dollhouse Doll Figure Collections

  Other Dollhouse lines:

  Fisher Price Loving Family @  Fisher Price Loving Family

Stingray's Hideaway: Toy Museum Entrance and Exhibits Index
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